Equal and Equidistant [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Lilah; Ceres
August 1st
is everything
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword
124 posts
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TAG WITH @delilah
Delilah Silph
Equal and Equidistant [M]
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2024 3:02:58 GMT
Delilah Silph Avatar

Delilah was beginning to lose track of the various charity events on her schedule: one to raise money for the restoration of a Pokemon sanctuary near Mt. Chimney, destroyed in the recent calamity caused by her brother's antics; one to pay homage to those lost during Kyurem's attack on the Silent Icelands; and one still, to celebrate women in the arts at Slateport University.[break][break]
Tonight, she was one of the many Hoenn elite invited to attend a banquet honoring a prominent marine biologist and her valiant Milotic's preservation efforts around Mirage Island. The Milotic, who was the true guest of honor, had managed to protect miles of coral reefs from destruction during the recent faction conflict. The scientific community was apparently overcome with gratitude for the supposedly impressive feat.[break][break]
Delilah found it utterly inconsequential.[break][break]
Doing her best to suppress a yawn as the marine biologist - Kathy? Karen? - concluded her speech, she tried to remember that being a Silph meant putting on a pleasant face even when bored out of her mind. If only there was someone more interesting to speak with...[break][break]
An unfamiliar face caught the idol's eye, and she perked up, intrigued by what she thought might be an expression she was all but certain mirrored her own: a charming mask of propriety doing its absolute best to hide an underlying sense of boredom.[break][break]
As the various guests began to rise from their seats to mingle, Delilah weaved her way through the crowd until she was standing next to the stranger.[break][break]
"Good evening," she greeted, flashing the woman a wry smile. "A fan of marine biology, or just here for appearances?" She lowered her voice slightly, leaning in conspiratorially. "Don't worry if it's the later. It's why I'm here, after all."

NOTESMISSION | Outfit Vibes[break]



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[newclass=".delilah3 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
47 posts
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TAG WITH @alison
Alison Everly
Equal and Equidistant [M]
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2024 22:16:39 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison readjusted the fascinator upon her head with frustration. Charity events had never been her favourite pastime. But, as most of her useful skills revolved around such scenes, Alison had been instructed by Rocket to mingle at one. Intended to be a way of gathering intel on League, she began to wonder if this was their non-offensive way of trying to get rid of her for a day.

Because, as far as she could tell, no one here was of any significance.

Her eyes flitted up to the stage where the biologist stood. Alison faked a smile with every achievement they mentioned, the speech littered with biological jargon she could barely understand. She tried desperately to pay attention, but she found her mind turning to a more pressing matter in the room.

Her outfit.

Alison’s face pulled into one of mild disgust as her eyes dragged along the fabrics the biologist had seemingly thrown together seconds before crossing the stage. For an event intended to celebrate her accomplishments, the outfit was… definitely a choice. Alison knew she couldn’t blame the biologist for their fashion blindness. They spent most of their time in stained lab coats and khakis, after all. Though, as her eyes flitted over to the beauty of the Milotic, she couldn't help expecting better.

As the speech ended, Alison released an aspirated sigh. Swigging down another class of champagne from a passing waiter, she scanned the room of unfamiliar faces, searching. At this point, she just wanted someone to talk to. Anyone. 

As if by fate, a voice beside her made her turn suddenly. She blinked in disbelief. Delilah Silph? She’d recognise that face anywhere. For her own sake, though, she tried her best to hide it.

“I’d be lying if I said marine biology was a subject I was familiar with,” She whispered in response, matching Delilah’s playful tone. “I was worried if she said ‘Anthozoa’ one more time, a curse might suddenly be afflicted upon us.”

Alison tilted her empty class towards Delilah, feigning ignorance of her identity with an inquisitive expression. “You look familiar. Are you sure you aren’t an oceanography fan? I could have sworn I saw a poster of you and – Katy? – swimming with Finneons at the entrance.”

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played by


Lilah; Ceres
August 1st
is everything
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword
124 posts
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TAG WITH @delilah
Delilah Silph
Equal and Equidistant [M]
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2024 15:42:03 GMT
Delilah Silph Avatar

Delilah had to suppress a giggle.[break][break]
"It was the algae for me. Algae this, algae that. We get it, they're important." She rolled her eyes.[break][break]
The lack of recognition did not insult Delilah; she was humble enough to accept that the Silphs were not universally well-known, let alone beloved. The last time she'd visited Alola, there had been plenty of folks who hadn't even realized had one sister, let alone two. In some places, he wasn't even a household name.[break][break]
"Finneons? I could have sworn it was a pod of Wailmer." She winked, then held out her hand, perfectly manicured nails glittering beneath the light of the ballroom's crystal chandelier. "Delilah Silph. A pleasure to make your acquaintance...?" She trailed off, politely awaiting the other woman's self-introduction.[break][break]
Now that she was really looking, drinking in the sight of the woman's pristinely coordinated outfit, graceful features, and golden hair, there was something familiar about her. A twinge of recognition, like trying to hold water in the palm of one's hand. Memories slipped between the cracks; Delilah had taken part in so many performances, acting gigs, charities, and business endeavors over the years, this woman could have been involved in any of them.[break][break]
Was her accent Kalosian...?[break][break]
Around them, chairs scraped and bodies shuffled. The din of crowded conversation cradled them in privacy as Delilah tried to recall her recent endeavors in Kalos.

NOTESMISSION | Outfit Vibes[break]



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[newclass=".delilah3 h2"]font:14px Roboto;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;[/newclass]
[newclass=".delilah3 .body"]background-image:url("https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png");background-position:bottom;background-repeat:no-repeat;text-align:justify;[/newclass]
[newclass=".delilah3 .pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".delilah3 .credit"]font-size:13px;[/newclass]
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played by


Vaniville Town, Kalos
for rain
5'11" / 180 CM height
5'11" / 180 CM height
We don't wanna face it, but we didn't make it
47 posts
part of
TAG WITH @alison
Alison Everly
Equal and Equidistant [M]
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2024 11:52:50 GMT
Alison Everly Avatar
Alison made an ‘ah’ shape with her mouth, her eyebrows raising with faked shock and recognition.

“Delilah Silph? Oh wow, what a pleasure. I should have known it was you – you look stunning, as always.

Alison’s silver nails shimmered as they interlocked with the similar, manicured hand of Delilah.

“Alison. Everly.” Alison couldn’t help her gaze drifting to the Delilah’s nail varnish, to her elegantly flowing dress, to her hair cascading over the shoulders like ebony satin. God, it was nice to finally be around someone who also cared about their appearance. Too often she was surrounded by people with no affinity for fashion, for beauty. And since joining Rocket, it had become even worse. But Delilah’s perfectly powdered complexion, charm, and beautiful choice of dress was a sight for her sore eyes.

It was a shame who Delilah was affiliated with.

As guests began to move and mingle, Alison couldn’t help noticing Delilah’s gaze on her. Her look swam with a familiarity that she couldn’t quite place, a memory faded from too many years of attending events, of learning too many names. Alison wasn’t surprised she didn’t remember her, but she couldn’t help feeling a little butthurt.

“You might remember me from the Kalos Queen competitions,” she stated, a sly smile creeping up onto her lips. “I believe we actually met a few years ago at one of the showcases. I can barely remember it myself, it was so long ago, but I do remember you attending.”



it's a long life full of long nights

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay